Monday, March 22, 2010

Frugal, Easy, Delicious: Tortilla Espanola

Spanish tortilla

This recipe in our church cookbook comes from a missionary serving in Spain. I've been wanting to make it for quite some time; tonight was the night (emergency plan b on the menu plan). It would also work great for breakfast or lunch. I love it because it only required four simple (and inexpensive) ingredients and a few easy steps. Plus, it allowed me to feel like I was in the middle of Spain once again (at least for a few minutes). :)

The note in the cookbook says the Spanish bring this to church potlucks, slice it to use as a sandwich filling (especially for picnics), and as a mid-morning snack with a piece of bread and a strong cup of coffee. They're also popular in tapas bars.

Here's the recipe:
-6 medium potatoes, peeled and thinly sliced (I used 4, that I baked in the oven for awhile first, with the skins rubbed with butter. They come off fairly easily when slicing)
-4 eggs (I used 5 or 6)
-olive oil
-salt and pepper to taste
-chopped garlic clove, optional
-1 small onion, chopped

Cook the sliced potatoes with the chopped onion, salt and pepper, and optional garlic clove in a frying plan in a good amount of olive oil until potatoes are soft (you can cover them on medium-low heat to help steam them). In a bowl, beat eggs briskly, then pour over the potatoes and continue cooking slowly until the eggs are firm. Turn the tortilla over by placing a plate over the frying pan and turning it upside down, allowing the tortilla to land in the plate, and then slide it (top side down) back into the frying pan. Cook for a few more minutes and serve when cooled slightly. The tortilla should be golden brown on both sides.

Rave reviews at my house! Pretty easy, economical, a keeper!

Visit Tasty Tuesday for more recipe inspiration!


  1. This looks delicious! I found your recipe through Tasty Tuesday!

  2. Looks good and easy! Thanks for posting.

  3. That looks great! I needed that hint on flipping!

  4. I'm excited to try this. :)

