Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Have You Written A Letter Lately?

Photo from ehow.com

With email, text messaging, Facebook, and Twitter, sitting down with a pen and a piece of paper to write a letter is practically becoming a lost art. Yet, receiving a letter in the mail is such a special treasure. I have even known people whose sole Christmas gift to family and friends is a thoughtfully penned letter. And you know what? That simple gift is often the most cherished of all.

I was both encouraged, and challenged, by these words:

"We all have someone waiting for a letter, and each of us has someone thinking about him or her and wishing the mail would bring some sort of word, some message...Start by writing a letter to one person, and continue by writing letters to others who are waiting for a letter." (The Hidden Art of Homemaking) by Edith Schaeffer

What a gift it would be for grandparents who live miles away to receive weekly update letters in your own handwriting about your children’s week—the funny things they’ve done and said, how they’re growing and learning, and any other highlights. I guarantee they’ll save these, and someday you’ll find them, and what a gift they’ll be for your grown children as well. As Edith Schaeffer writes, "When they finish reading your letter, they will feel as if they had been spending the week with you."

You can write a letter and pop it in the mail today, and it will make it in time for Valentine's Day (or thereabouts). It will thoroughly brighten the recipient's day--maybe even week. It only costs a postage stamp and a little time. Yet the gift it gives is immeasurable.


  1. This has been on my mind for days and your post encouraged me to get on the ball and send some thinking of you cards out, especially to my grandma! I love your blog and look forward to reading your posts while I am on break at work. Thanks for sharing your gift with us. God bless!

  2. So agree -- I do have a blog and text, but no facebook or twitter, but I also love receiving hand written cards in the mail and truly enjoy sending them out. Just last week I received a quite lengthy card and letter in the mail from a wonderful lady and former member of church that recently moved to another state. What a blessing to see her beautiful hand writing on a card.

    I buy pretty note cards and keep them in my Bible bag. I try to write little notes to the ladies in my Bible Study group encouraging them in their walk.

    Another idea for kids is to require them from the earliest possible age (we start at 2 or so) to draw a picture and/or write their own thank you note for every gift received. This includes gifts of hand-me-down things as well.

    Great post and reminder.

  3. Thanks Anonymous! Appreciate the encouragement :)

    Good ideas, Jodi. We are going to try to send out some little Valentines for the grandparents today with their own scribbles on them. G can write if I show him what it should look like. The mail man comes early around here, so got to get on the ball!

  4. What a timely post for me. Every night before going to sleep I've been doing crossword puzzles and as I fill in the clues with my pen I think to myself "I could be writing a letter to someone. No one writes letters anymore." Well, it's decided. Tonight I shall write a letter. Thank you for the nudge.

