Friday, November 20, 2009

Five Loaves, Two Fish

Especially this time of year, it can easily seem like there are not enough financial resources to meet all the needs. As I've mentioned before, unforeseen medical expenses are gobbling up much of what my husband takes home. Even though I think I'm pretty thrifty, there are still times when I look at the bills and our bank balance and wonder how I can stretch what we have to satisfy all the needs. Then there are times when it still seems that, despite my best stretching efforts, there isn't going to be enough.

The disciples felt this way too.

A crowd had gathered to hear Jesus teach. It started getting late and people were getting hungry. Aware of what they lacked in resources to feed everyone, and out of concern for the people, the disciples urged Jesus to send them away to the village so they could get some food.

Jesus told them they were to feed the people. Hugh? With what? They didn't have enough resources to supply meals for five people, much less for everyone. How could they feed 5,000-plus people with nothing more than five loaves of bread and two fish? That's just impossible.

But it wasn't. It still isn't.

"Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke the loaves." (Mt. 14:19)

When faced with a shortfall of finances (or anything, for that matter), give thanks for what you do have--however limited it may seem in your sight. Gratitude helps restore our perspective, and continual trust in God replaces anxiety and uncertainty. Ask God to take your five loaves and two fish and multiply them to feed all your needs.

"Then he gave them to the disciples, and the disciples gave them to the people. They all ate and were satisfied, and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces that were left over." (Mt. 14:20)

Even when it seems tight, and you don't know on paper how everything will come out clear, do your very best to stretch every dollar, and trust God to stretch those dollars supernaturally as only He can. If He could feed thousands with five loaves and two fish, He is more than able to multiply and expand even the smallest of our efforts.

holy experience


  1. Thanks for the timely reminder! "My God will meet ALL your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus!" (Phil. 4:19 NIV) Praying that you and your family will be amazed by God's awesome provision this season!
    -Joy :)

  2. What a wonderful reminder - thanks for sharing!

  3. Jesus... Our Heavenly Joseph! He'll always provide for us regarless of what we see going on around us. Why? Because we are His set apart (holy) children. Praising God we are not part of the world's economy but rather His. An it's forever flowing over in abundance.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

